Thoughts -- Sane and Otherwise

Friday, October 10, 2008

There have been many negative things written about Thursdays. I know that there have been scant occasions in my own diaries that I have been compelled to write anything positive on the subject. The bloom is very definitely off the week by Thursday. Having passed the midpoint, Thursdays are a natural point of reflection on the goals and aspirations you set for the week all the way back on Sunday and the progress that you have made towards the same. This almost universally is another source of depression, the treatments for which I have become an encyclopedic source of first hand information and anecdotes.

Maybe Thursdays should be outlawed.

We should change the calendar. We've followed this one for too many years anyway. I'm tired of months named after Roman caesers. We should have months with more meaningful names. We could name them after the characters on Seinfeld and Friends. It's "Soup Nazi" month. I was born on Chandler 10th, in the year of...never mind.

Perhaps the government can auction off months to large corporations as a way to make money, the way they do with sports stadiums. The deepest pockets would snap up the 31-day months and February could possibly be donated to a charitable organization. "And on the fourth day of ExxonMobil..." Then again, this has a certain risk to it. Either you are changing month names all the time as the fortunes of corporations rise and fall or you are stuck with things like the depressing "Month of Enron".

It might be appropriate if Christmas next year would fall on the 25th of Hammacher Schlemmer. Cadbury might want to sponsor the month Easter falls under, but would probably settle for October to capitalize on Halloween. For other countries to buy into this, it probably won't be achieved until the One World Government is established. On the other hand, I believe that's supposed to kick off this November, so maybe the idea isn't that ahead of its time. That would open up the bidding to other companies around the globe too. The month of Mahindra. You could even get a free calendar with the product from each month's sponsor prominently displayed during the correct month. Okay, maybe a bit too far.

How about if we cut out the AD stuff and start over again at 1. We could extend the metric system to time. Ten hours to the day, Ten days to the week. Wait, we're getting rid of Thursdays. Can't do that in a 10 day week. Forget metric time.

But what if we went through the expense and trouble of getting rid of Thursdays but people were no happier?

“Wednesday...the new Thursday."

Clearly there are some obstacles to overcome here.


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