Thoughts -- Sane and Otherwise

Monday, September 15, 2008

Ah, it's good to be back for the encore performance of Web 2.X. It's like being asked to extend your run on Broadway when all the critics have written you off and the theatre management has demanded their key back.

I am not sure how I should reintroduce myself. I am a serial procrastinator who last left this blog with the promise of more and greater posts to come, yet never got anything online in the intervening year. I do have at least four drafts that I will finish and put online between the requisite class posts for 2.1. In fact, I finished one while I was pondering how I was going to proceed with this posting.

I just want to take a couple of lines at the close of this post to debunk the whole Web 2.0, 2.1, 3.0, x.x classification schema that seems to have arisen, mostly it appears, from the marketing departments of various online entities clamoring to proclaim themselves more advanced than their competitors. There is no Web 2.0. There's no 2.1 nor is there a 3.0. The web is a continuous, living, breathing entity. As such, it falls under the same rules for adaptation and survival of the fittest any other organism conforms to. There are no neat, tidy little dividers where someone can say with total accuracy "Web 1.0 ends here and Web 2.0 starts at this point." Are you homo sapien v12.1856 or homo sapien v 26548.0? Would your child be considered a major upgrade or just a mainenance update? One should never be afraid to patch their child's OS.


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