Thoughts -- Sane and Otherwise

Friday, May 11, 2007

I originally created this blog site a couple of years ago. It languished through several transitions in the technology (and Google's purchase of Blogger) until now. We're back. We're badder than ever. I stripped out my earlier posts because I am resurrecting this site for a work project, known as Learn 2.0. I left the old title because, well, that explains it, really. Doesn't it?

Because it is related to work, it is understood that numerous subjects would be considered inappropriate (or at least unprofessional) to broach here -- one of the main reasons my previous posts were removed. So without any reference to religion, politics, or any characteristic that makes us individuals (sexual orientation, ethnic origin, social or economic status [real or perceived], upbringing, or tendency to root for the Red Sox) which could be commented on in such a fashion as to offend any reader, we're left with little to say. For example, you can't relate someone's tendency to root for the Red Sox back to their upbringing in such a way as to question their social status. I don't follow sports -- I think that the Red Sox play baseball, but there's enough reasonable doubt in my mind that I would have to acquit them of that charge if I were the jury.

So we can probably talk about the weather. It's been smoky. We could use more rain. This is yet another area where I'm happy to let Southern California "lead the nation" as they like to consider themselves doing and would rather not be in direct competition with them for space on the front page of the nation's newspapers. Add the brush fires to the mudslides and earthquakes and you can see what they have in lieu of hurricanes to balance against their normally picture-perfect weather. Hopefully that doesn't offend any Californians.

Thanks for reading my blog -- quick crawl through a less-diseased portion of the outer cerebrum that it is. I invite comments.


Blogger OCLS Learn 2.0 said...

Welcome to the course Electric! Mud slides Vs hurricanes, that is an interesting choice. Since moving here, I have been reminded of living in California several times. I think a major difference is that the beaches here are a lot less developed than where I lived in San Diego. I like that. Maybe the afore mentioned hurricanes play a part in keeping our beaches realively un-developed.


May 14, 2007 at 9:32 AM  

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